Driven by science, proven by research
Amira’s award-winning technology is helping thousands of early readers across the country.
The results are in.
Research confirms using Amira has a profound impact on reading ability.
Amira performs on par with or better than certified tutors.
Children who use Amira to guide their reading growth advance as fast or faster than those who have access to an certified in-person tutor.
See How Amira Stacks Up20 minutes per day = 2x reading growth.
Schools across the nation are achieving remarkable results by using Amira to support reading literacy.
Read the CMU StudyTutoring aligned with the five pillars of literacy
Amira, the AI avatar, provides personalized tutoring for children as they read, to build critical foundational skills. Amira’s support is organized by the Five Pillars of Literacy -- the skills identified as critical elements of effective early literacy instruction.
More About Our PedagogyWhat the experts have to say
At the end of the year, I felt all of my students had made noticeable improvements across the board; it’s the only other thing for fluency that would have gotten us that marked improvement.
Stockton Unified School District
With the extra time I saved using Amira, I was able to get other lesson plans ready, and I have extra time to grade other asessements. And that meant I was able to spend more time with my family."
Lydia Smith
2nd Grade Teacher