How to Choose Technology That Is Accessible for All
Why School Technology Should be Accessible for All The goal of accessibility is to level the playing field for all learners, regardless of learning...
Istation is committed to creating equitable and accurate assessments that are accessible for all students.
Istation’s Indicators of Progress (ISIP) assessments provide students with several types of accommodations and accessibility features, both embedded and non-embedded. We are pleased to announce the release of a new document that details these accommodations and features and will be updated as more are added.
View and download the document here!
The features and accommodations listed in the document are available for our ISIP assessments (where appropriate) and have been labeled as universal or designated features and accommodations based on the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Accessibility Manual. Istation has also created some accessibility features and accommodations that are specific to the ISIP assessments.
A few of the universal features for all students:
Digital tools are provided by Istation to complete specific math items.
A few of the designated features that are available to any student with a documented need:
With the spoken audio feature students may choose to hear directions read aloud and/or repeated.
A few accommodations that are available to students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan:
View the full the document to learn about these supports and more!
Our engineering and development teams are currently testing and creating systems to make our instructional products and assessments more accessible. These systems include closed captions, keyboard navigation, screen magnification, and much more.
Creating accessible content is an ongoing process, and we are working diligently to meet your needs. If you encounter any accessibility issues within Istation’s products or materials, please contact our support team.
Why School Technology Should be Accessible for All The goal of accessibility is to level the playing field for all learners, regardless of learning...
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