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Measure Growth All Year Long

Measure Growth All Year Long

Collecting classroom data can be useful throughout the school year to plan lessons, coordinate activities, and maximize student engagement. In a sea of data, it can be hard to pick out which pieces are the most useful for teachers in the classroom.

To drive student achievement, educators need real-time data that shows where to focus, what to teach, and how to grow.

So where does this data come from? How long will it take to get? How accurate is it?

Dealing with data doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be so easy it can drive the day.

Often schools rely on data from assessments that are infrequent, inaccurate, and hard to understand. That’s why Istation has a comprehensive system built for educators that provides monthly assessments, adaptive instruction, and easy-to-read reports with formative insight to guide instructional decision-making and intervention strategies. Istation’s web-based educational technology provides progress-monitoring data that can serve as feedback for students and identifies areas for improvement.

While other strategies are limited to infrequent assessments at the beginning of year, middle of year, and end of year, school leaders appreciate Istation’s monthly approach to assessing students because it measures progress and the effectiveness of instruction in real time all year long. Istation offers additional on-demand assessments as well.

“We found this data stream to be helpful in monitoring student growth more than just three times a year,” said Dr. Andrew Davis, principal at Julia Green Elementary School in Nashville, Tennessee.

Working together, Istation’s reports, formative assessments, and adaptive curriculum provided the frequent data points the school needed to drive student growth, including increasing Lexile® Level reading measures.

Davis’s school used Istation as a monthly progress monitoring tool with more frequent data points to measure reading success. In the classroom, teachers used Istation’s resources, which include over a thousand lesson plans, automated tools, and flexible resources that help customize instruction and support diverse teaching approaches, including small- and whole-group learning.

“Istation provides an invaluable teacher resource toolbox that teachers can use to drill down and provide remediation or enrichment for their students,” Davis said.

In addition, Istation offers a school-to-home connection by providing parents and guardians with access to easy-to-use supplemental instruction to use with their children, and it allows them to monitor progress outside of the school setting.

“Through Istation Home, students can work at their own pace. Teachers can assign lessons as part of a class’s homework.” Davis said.

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Explore the ways that Istation’s personalized data can support instructional decision making, provide feedback for students, and target areas for improvement. Get the FREE e-brochure today and learn how to provide timely, explicit, and constructive insight!

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