How Intervention Helped a Failing School Get an A
Amy Stephens, former principal of Bayless Elementary School in Lubbock, Texas, can’t get enough of Istation. Istation has been her top tool in...
A smarter solution for reading growth, powered by AI and rooted in the Science of Reading.
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Student intervention has made the shift to a big-picture approach, moving from employing only one individual intervention specialist to assembling a team instead. Istation’s formative assessments, personalized data profiles, and adaptive curriculum/teacher resources all support this approach and, in turn, create a more powerful intervention program for your school.
1. Formative Assessments
Stable academic improvement cannot be accomplished through temporary fixes. Real, lasting change happens when action toward improvement is continual. Benchmarking and progress monitoring make such actions easier and more possible than ever and should be a consistent part of teachers’ and students’ lives.
Istation Advanced Reading assessment (ISIP™)
Istation’s automatic screening and progress monitoring takes only 30 minutes a month and provides the consistent data collection necessary to support ongoing and effective intervention. For aggressive intervention strategies, more frequent progress monitoring is available through Istation’s on-demand assessments.
2. Personalized Data Profiles
When progress monitoring, it is important to ensure fidelity of implementation and to select evidence-based reporting tools with regard to cultural and linguistic responsiveness and student strengths. Istation’s web-based reporting provides formative insight to guide instructional decision-making and intervention strategies.
For example, Priority Reports, accessible at the classroom level, identify students who will benefit from further intervention. These reports also provide links to appropriate teacher directed lessons and supplemental materials.
Istation Priority Report
3. Adaptive Curriculum and Teacher Resources
Response to Intervention (RTI) is part of a greater Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) structure, which involves the entire school system in the intervention process. MTSS provides support to students at all levels, from struggling to advanced learners.
MTSS ensures that technology, effective curriculum, and professional development options are provided to empower and support teachers so that they can empower and support their students. From intervention to enrichment, Istation gives students the instruction they need when they need it. Istation’s adaptive curriculum identifies needs and adjusts to each student's abilities.
Istation Math (grades 2-5) adaptive curriculum
Also available are teacher resources, which provide thousands of lesson plans, automated tools, and flexible resources to help educators customize instruction and support an MTSS approach to intervention.
Istation teacher resource
Having tools makes building an intervention team easier. Istation gives schools the tools they need to bridge the achievement gap through reporting and adaptive resources that differentiate instruction.
Learn more about how Istation can help build your intervention team! From progress monitoring techniques to implementation strategies, Istation has written about intervention’s progression toward focusing on differentiation for all students.
From RTI to MTSS: Building Your Intervention Team covers:
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Amy Stephens, former principal of Bayless Elementary School in Lubbock, Texas, can’t get enough of Istation. Istation has been her top tool in...
How to Utilize Assessment Data in the Classroom An assessment is characterized as the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting,...
A New Take on the Flipped Classroom After using Istation with the flipped classroom model last year, Chief Tahgee Elementary Academy (CTEA) saw...