Help Parents Get Started at Home
Get Parents Started at Home There is a growing demand on parents to understand and navigate technology as more schools communicate digitally....
In partnership with Tackle Tomorrow, we have launched Istation Reads, an online reading series created to combat the common learning regression that happens when students spend months away from school and regular reading practice.
The impact of this regression, often called “summer slide,” has always been a concern for parents and teachers. Now that students are experiencing an extended pause in classroom learning due to school closures, parents and teachers are anticipating a more significant achievement gap, the “COVID-19 slide.”
“By taking what we know about the detrimental effects of summer slide on a child’s reading ability, we understand the implications the COVID-19 school closures will have on students,” says Lori K. Lynch, Senior Vice President of Customer Success at Istation. “We want parents to know they have immense power when it comes to making sure their child’s reading ability stays strong. And Istation Reads is an easy way for students to practice their reading skills while away from school.”
How to Participate in Istation Reads
To decrease the impact of the “COVID-19 slide,” Istation invites students to participate in its new online reading series. Celebrities will read short stories aloud on camera, followed by comprehension questions and a brief discussion to ensure students will learn and apply reading skills and strategies to comprehend the text.
Children will have the opportunity to listen and learn from the following celebrities and more directly on Istation’s YouTube channel:
Trace Busey in episode of Istation Reads
“Growing up, education was never pushed on me, and I still lack in reading and writing,” says Charles Haley, founder of Tackle Tomorrow. “I understand what it’s like to struggle in school, and I’ve made it my life’s mission to provide children with the tools they need to find their love of learning. It brings me great joy to partner with Istation to provide children with reading resources they need this summer to be their best selves when school starts back.”
Istation Reads videos will be published on Istation’s YouTube channel each weekday at 3 p.m. CT. Printable resources, including short stories, books, and comprehension questions, will also be available. Because this initiative focuses on comprehension, the guest speakers will read the books aloud, and children of all reading levels are encouraged to participate.
Visit the “Istation Reads” playlist on YouTube!
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