Understanding Istation’s At-Home Progress Monitoring
Guide Parents in Understanding Istation’s At-Home Progress Monitoring Istation provides formative assessments, known as Istation’s Indicators of...
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Keep students’ minds engaged over winter break. With the break just around the corner, you might be looking for a great way to keep students learning while they are away from school. Help them take Istation home for the holidays!
Istation Home provides students the opportunity to work at their own pace from the comfort of their own home. Students who have completed at least one assessment at school can access Istation Home and continue working along their learning path.This student enjoys Istation Home on the iPad.
When students log in to Istation away from school, they have a few options for what to do:
Reading with ISIP – Clicking this button after logging in allows students to continue to work in their instructional path from where they left off at school.
Ipractice – Only students can see this button when they log in to Istation from home, and it gives them the opportunity to choose what to work on.
Books – Accessing Istation’s library of books allows students to self-select and reread books they may have already seen in the instruction. They will be able to practice the necessary skills that aid in reading fluency and build confidence.
Assignments – The Assignments feature allows teachers to select specific lessons for students to work on individually.
Involve parents in your efforts! Print and send home our Istation Home for Parents flyer, which includes information on downloading the program and accessing Istation’s Parent Portal. When you enable the Parent Portal, parents can log in at www.istation.com using their child’s username and password to view their child’s progress. There they can access their child’s Student Summary, Skill Growth, and Writing reports. Parents will be eager to show off their child’s progress around the dinner table.
To use Istation Home, students just need to download the program to their home computer or iPad. On the iPad, Istation Home becomes portable too!
The holiday break is a great time to motivate your learners! Help students keep up with their own growth on Istation by trying these incentives:
Click the button below to find our Istation Home for the Holidays flyer, which provides tools for teachers such as a sample home usage calendar, reports for tracking home usage, and our Istation Home brochure.
Click to get the Flyer in Spanish.
Click to get the Flyer in English.
Guide Parents in Understanding Istation’s At-Home Progress Monitoring Istation provides formative assessments, known as Istation’s Indicators of...
Get Parents Started at Home There is a growing demand on parents to understand and navigate technology as more schools communicate digitally....
Ways Istation Supports Remote Learning and Progress Monitoring As you continue to explore remote learning and progress monitoring, consider how...