2 min read
4 Blended Learning Strategies to Build Readers by 3rd Grade
Reading by 3rd Grade Can Predict Later Success Honing reading instructional skills builds students’ confidence and helps them embrace the challenge...
Andi Diaz, a Digital Content Specialist at Istation, started with the company in 2015 as a Business Development Associate. Prior to joining the Istation family, she spent 9 years in the classroom as an elementary and middle school reading teacher. Andi is passionate about educational technology and how it adds to student's learning. She and her family live in the Dallas area.
2 min read
Reading by 3rd Grade Can Predict Later Success Honing reading instructional skills builds students’ confidence and helps them embrace the challenge...
2 min read
What to Consider When Trying a New Resource for Your School or District With the myriad of options available, choosing the right resource for your...
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Effective Professional Development Begins with Customization We should approach educator growth and development the same way that we do student...
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It’s Important to Assess Early Readers in Each Area of the Big Five Reading is one of the hardest skills to learn in early development. Unlike...
3 min read
Why You Should Choose the Right Biliteracy Technology for Your English Learners Schools across the country have discovered the importance of...
3 min read
Create an Instructional Plan that Maximizes Technology Schools and districts have moved away from traditional response-to-intervention (RTI) models...