2 min read
Essential Tips for Leveraging EdTech to Boost English Learner Achievement
Achieving Growth for English Learners Over five million students in US public schools are learning English as a second language. That’s more than 10%...
2 min read
Achieving Growth for English Learners Over five million students in US public schools are learning English as a second language. That’s more than 10%...
2 min read
Mastering English can be wonderfully rewarding for non-native speakers. Bilingualism dramatically expands life opportunities as it strengthens...
1 min read
How Emergent Bilingual Students Develop Language Children develop their schema from their guardians and surroundings. All the learning experiences...
1 min read
When English learners develop literacy in their home language, they benefit in more than one language.
3 min read
Why You Should Choose the Right Biliteracy Technology for Your English Learners Schools across the country have discovered the importance of...
2 min read
Discover the Benefits of Student Biliteracy Research shows that there are long-lasting benefits to becoming biliterate and bilingual. Our society,...